Page 3 - Hues of Diversity II
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After many successful events and exhibitions, Artciti is
once again excited to take on a new venture altogether. In
collaboration with the International Watercolour Society
Pakistan, Artciti has chosen Twenty Four remarkable artists
from different corners of the world and displayed their
work at its gallery. The objective of this exhibition is
mainly to promote watercolor in Pakistan and to captivate
our audience with a broad range of different techniques
used in one particular medium. The diverse palette of
artists makes the entire exhibit more intriguing to the eye
and educates people in the use of watercolour in different
countries and cultures. Artists participating in the
exhibition are from various countries such as Turkey, UK,
USA, Hong Kong, Brazil, India, Serbia, Italy, Russia, Iran &
Pakistan. These artists are well known in their own
countries. The list includes our very own watercolour
masters as well.
We would like to specifically appreciate the contribution
and support of Mr. Ali Abbas (President IWS Pakistan) in
helping us organize this exhibition.