Page 33 - Light and Shade
P. 33 ©®

       .   My  name  is  Shaima  Umer.I  belong  to
       .     Lahore,  Pakistan,  which  is  Rich  in

       .  Natural beauty and hence satisfies my
       .                 passion  of  painting.  I  enjoy  capturing

       .               the  rhythm  of  waves  lapping  at  the
       .  shore, the boats on the mighty waters,

       .             at  the  mercy  of  the  winds....The  way
       .  waters  play  with  the  wind,  churning

           and gurgling, I try to capture them all
       .             I find poetry in these natural scenes.

             My paintings are a syndicate product
       .        of  nature, perception and imagination

       .     and hence have been showcased at
           many  international  platforms.  I  give
       .    my  sincere  efforts  to  capture  the
       .        magic of nature, and have
               been    humbled by International and

               National awards.

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