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+92 336 2700975

+92 301 3354954

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Rs.25000 - Rs.70000

Maham Tanveer

Maham Tanveer

The main theme of my work is that "The Facts Remain The Same While Time Runs Out".  In my artwork, I have focused on news papers. I believes no matter how old they get they are valuable as they contain information about the past that can be used in the future by all generations.

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  • +92 21 35250496-95, +92 336 2700975, +92 301 3354954
  • Online Always Open - Ramzan Timing 11:30 AM to 08:30 PM
  • Plot # 36C, 2nd Floor, Bukhari Commercial Lane 13, Khayaban-e-Shujaat, Phase VI, DHA, Karachi, Pakistan.
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