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Khusro Subzwari

Khusro Subzwari

Khusro Subzwari is a self- taught artist, who has been passionate for art since his childhood. He completed his Civil Engineering from NED University in 1981. While pursuing his engineering studies, he kept on participating actively in art related programs. His oil painting work was rewarded by 2nd prize by ‘Gulgee’ in 1978.

Khusro worked for a year in Saudi Arabia, and subsequently went to USA to complete his Masters degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Oklahoma, USA, in 1984. This background in the field of engineering proved to be an asset for Khusro in the development of his understanding the form, composition, balance, texture and creation of the 3 dimensional effects in his paintings.

Khusro works in different styles and themes, from landscapes and cityscapes to abstractions, and now, after a spiritual awakening from his visit to Turkey, onwards, Sufism has become one of his main theme.

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