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Sana Nezam, Series from The Nature of Prayer 2, 12 x 12, Acrylic on Canvas, Calligraphy Painting, AC-SNZ-011

Rs.85,000 ($304.66)
Artist: Sana Nezam
Artwork Code: AC-SNZ-011
Availability: In Stock
Title: Series from The Nature of Prayer 2
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 12 x 12 Inch
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Hazrat Jalal-ud-din(R.A) who is also known as Rumi was a philosopher and a mystic of Islam. His doctrine advocates unlimited tolerance, positive reasoning, goodness, charity and awareness through love. Rumi's public life had begun as an Islamic Jurist, issuing fatwas and giving sermons in the mosque of Konya. He also served as molvi (Islamic teacher) and taught in madarssa. It was his meeting with Hazrat Shams  Tabriz (R.A) that completely changed his life. From being a teacher and a jurist  Rumi was transformed as an ascetic. 

He was a man who firmly believed in peaceful and tolerant teaching as he did not discriminate any religion. Such approach of Rumi appealed people of all sects and creeds. It was one of Rumi's favorite student Hussam who described an idea of writing a book to Rumi just like Mantiq ut-Tayr of Attar  or Ilahinama of Sanai in order to help people .This motivated Rumi to write his masterpiece , Masnavi.

The Masnavi weaves fables scenes from everyday life , Quranic revelations and exegesis metaphysics into a vast and intricate tapestry.  

سعد  دیدی  شکر  کن  ایثار   کن 

نحس دیدی صدقہ و استغفار کن
(مولانا رومی

One of the quotes, as that mentioned of Rumi,  basically focuses on the idea that when life is filled with happiness in such time one should consistently thank God and also prove his thankfulness by good acts. Where, life being unpredictable, when one faces troublesome time then he should not just seek forgiveness from God but also give sadqa . Minding the various kinds of sadka not just doing it verbally. Rumi believed that thanking God and seeking for forgiveness is just not restricted to the fact of asking God verbally. He strongly gave the message of doing such acts which may prove to be beneficial and an act  of kindness for the environment.  

Art Name:
Title: Series from The Nature of Prayer 2
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 12 x 12 Inch

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