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Tayyaba Sabir, Gender Stereotype, 24 x 36 Inch, Diptych, Oil on Canvas, Figurative Painting, AC-TAYSB-002

Tayyaba Sabir, Gender Stereotype, 24 x 36 Inch, Diptych, Oil on Canvas, Figurative Painting, AC-TAYSB-002

Artist: Tayyaba Sabir
Artwork Code: AC-TAYSB-002
Availability: SOLD
Title: Gender Stereotype
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Size: 24 x 36 inch
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Artist Statement:


Gender stereotypes activate societal expectations surrounding physical appearance, personality type, attitude, interests, social relations, and motivates to try and conform to traditional gender roles. The overall mindset of stereotypical roles in a society reinforces gender discrimination. The body of my work focuses on the grey patches on skin to symbolize the stereotypical mentality and how it impacts significance on gender inequality.

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