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Hanif Shahzad, Nature Study I, 14 x 26 Inch, Oil on Canvas, Landscape Painting, AC-HNS-095

Rs.100,000 ($358.42)
Artist: Hanif Shahzad
Artwork Code: AC-HNS-095
Availability: In Stock
Title: Nature Study I
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Size: 14 x 26 Inch
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Viewing the work of artist Hanif Shehzad, one enters with nostalgia the Karachi of yester-years. It was a time when there was less traffic on the roads and the architecture of the city was a proud, distinctive sight. Featured in his work are the streets and  markets - Bhorie bazaar and Jhodia market - with the bustling shoppers and the various aspects of light and shadows of a passing day.


For the very first time, Shehzad has also included various landmarks and architectural sites from other countries around the world.


Hanif Shahzad is a Civil Engineer, who took his art training from the Karachi School of Art where he was a prize winner, always looking for means of expression. Initially he worked with collage to create texture in the beautiful watercolour artworks he created. He went on to work with oils and enjoyed using mixed media to create the effects he visualised in the finished artworks. Shahzad's favourite subject is the city he knows and loves so well. Merging his training and abilities as an artist and a civil engineer. Shahzad's admiration for the city is matchless. He dwells on the old architectural magnificence of St. Patrick's Church that he paints standing with dignity against a backdrop of luminous clouds, and  he portrays the various stages of the Mohatta Palace; works of art that are museum pieces.


The artist's first exhibition was held in Karachi in 1989, and he went on to show his work in prestigious exhibitions in many countries of the world. 

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