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Rs.35000 - Rs.35000


Fayaz Ahmed Leghari, 12 x 18 Inch, Oil on Canvas, Landscape Painting, AC-FZLG-005

Fayaz Ahmed Leghari, 12 x 18 Inch, Oil on Canvas, Landscape Painting, AC-FZLG-005
Rs.35,000 ($125.45)
Artist: Fayaz Ahmed Leghari
Artwork Code: AC-FZLG-005
Availability: In Stock
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Size: 12 x 18 Inch
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I intentionally highlight emptiness by capturing scenes of deliberate absence of figures that reflects my innate inclination towards solitude. I often find comfort in secluded places, preferring to minimize social interactions. Through my visual storytelling, I convey how the serene beauty of nature, symbolized by tranquil landscapes and lush greenery, parallels the depicted emptiness. This serves as a powerful depiction of the peace and tranquility I experience during moments of solitude.                                                                                                                 

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