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Khalid Khan-Kaay, Malang-10, 22 x 22 Inch, Acrylic on Canvas, Figurative Painting, AC-KHKN-038

Artist: Khalid Khan-Kaay
Artwork Code: AC-KHKN-038
Availability: SOLD
Title: Malang-10
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 22 x 22 Inch
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My paintings are the result of an OERB (Obsessive Experimental Restless Behaviour Due to my restless nature I work simultaneously in different styles and subjects Perhaps I don't have a particular style or maybe I am still searching for it or maybe I'm just enjoying the journey towards the unknown I don't know what I want but I am quite sure about what I don't want I strongly feel that a painting should depict an artist not a style BIOGRAPHY Khalid Khan, also known as Kaay is an acclaimed Pakistani artist who is proudly known for his solo exhibitions in Germany and Pakistan His work has been displayed in many European countries including France, Germany, Spain, and the UK His work has also been regularly featured by Rebecca Wilson, who is the Chief Curator and the former Director at the Saatchi Gallery, London In 1988 Kaay graduated in fine arts from a well known arts college in Karachi and soon began his career as a graphic designer After his second solo painting exhibition in 1993 he got an opportunity to visit London Having fallen in love with the city, he decided to make London his home Here he studied media production and computer graphics His career took him to Germany next where he spent 7 years working as a creative director in an advertising agency However, his love for the city of London did not diminish He followed his heart and returned to London and that is where he resides now Kaay s passion for art never faded and for the last ten years his main focus has been painting.

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